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Summary0000667: Strange behavior in \_s tag
DescriptionI noticed some strange behavior with the \_s tag. I used this script to test:

\_sTest test:\w8\w8 test test\_s\n\_sTest test: test test\_s

In particular, it seems the \w8 tags I used are adding extra spaces when used in a \_s tag. I don't think it's specific to \w8 tags, using a tag such as \![unlock,balloonrepaint] shows the same effect.
However, this effect only seems to happen on certain balloons. I'm unsure what differences between these balloons are causing the different behavior, maybe the font...?

I also noticed an odd thing which you can see in the gif: The "Te" in the first "Test" of each line has its kerning change when the script reaches a sakurascript tag... I've noticed this a couple of times over the last few years and this is the first time I've been able to replicate it on demand. It's weird, but probably not as important as the other issue.

SSP/2.6.93 (20250205-0; Windows NT 10.0.19045)
I also confirmed this on a laptop running Windows 11
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-12 04:45 guest New Issue
2025-02-12 04:45 guest File Added: image.png
2025-02-12 04:45 guest File Added: image-2.png
2025-02-12 04:45 guest File Added: 25-2-11.gif