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Status closed 
Fixed in Version2.6 (リリース) 
Summary0000666: zorder option in shell's descript.txt does not work when switching between shells, unless the whole ghost is reloaded
DescriptionTested with the following freeshells:
Hammock Buddies:

The shell "Hammock Buddies" specifies a zorder with the kero in front of the sakura. "kittypunk" does not specify a zorder.

If you boot a ghost in the "Hammock Buddies" shell, the zorder will work properly. If you boot it in another shell, such as "kittypunk", and then switch to the "Hammock Buddies" shell, the zorder will not work until the ghost is reloaded. Reloading just the shell side doesn't seem to fix the issue.

In the attached gif, I have booted the ghost in the "Hammock Buddies" shell, and switch between shells with the ghost explorer. You can see that if I reload the ghost while in the "kittypunk" shell, when I switch back to "Hammock Buddies" the zorder seems to be ignored. If I reload the ghost while in the "Hammock Buddies" shell, it is corrected.

SSP/2.6.92 (20250116-0; Windows NT 10.0.26100)
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2025-02-05 21:16

administrator   ~0001539


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-21 22:40 guest New Issue
2025-01-21 22:40 guest File Added: 25-1-21_03.gif
2025-02-04 15:56 ponapalt Assigned To => ponapalt
2025-02-04 15:56 ponapalt Status new => assigned
2025-02-04 15:56 ponapalt Status assigned => confirmed
2025-02-05 21:16 ponapalt Status confirmed => closed
2025-02-05 21:16 ponapalt Resolution open => fixed
2025-02-05 21:16 ponapalt Fixed in Version => 2.6 (リリース)
2025-02-05 21:16 ponapalt Note Added: 0001539