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Summary0000646: 特定ゲーム起動時の相性問題(推測)
1. PCの強制リセット後にSSPがバグ報告のメッセージを話すこと
2. フリーズ時にカーソルをSSPに合わせると砂時計マークになること
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SYSTEMINFO.txt (92,239 bytes)   
Windows NT 10.0.22631 
UAC: Enabled,Limited
Time: 2024/7/16 23:16:17.132
Phys.Mem: 41601/48939MB  PageFile: 48047/56107MB
CPU : Intel 3610MHz Features:MMX SSE HT AES-NI (12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700K)
Package:1 Node:1 Core:12 Thread:20
SSP/2.6.76 (20240615-7; Windows NT 10.0.22631)

Volume Information: 
    C:\  Fixed  [  291638MB Free |  475662MB Total | 61%] (NTFS,Normal)
    D:\  Fixed  [ 1289805MB Free | 1907711MB Total | 67%] (NTFS,Normal)
    F:\  Fixed  [ 1334114MB Free | 1907726MB Total | 69%] (NTFS,Normal)
    G:\  Fixed  [  240648MB Free | 1953496MB Total | 12%] (NTFS,Normal)
    H:\  Fixed  [  342424MB Free |  429231MB Total | 79%] (NTFS,Normal)
    I:\  CD-ROM

Monitor Information: 
    0: \\.\DISPLAY1 - Work=0,0,2560,1440 Size=2560x1440 [PRIMARY]

Env. Variables: 
    CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
    CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
    CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files
    GTK_BASEPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\GtkSharp\2.12\
    Path=D:\Games\ssp\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\java8path;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA NvDLISR;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Program Files (x86)\GtkSharp\2.12\bin;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Users\GURAN\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\GURAN\AppData\Local\Pandoc\
    PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 151 Stepping 2, GenuineIntel
    ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)
    ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)
    ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files

Loaded Drivers: 
    -37650000 : hal.dll
    -37660000 : kd.dll
    -37670000 : tm.sys
    -376a0000 : CLFS.SYS
    -37710000 : PSHED.dll
    -37730000 : BOOTVID.dll
    -37740000 : clipsp.sys
    -37860000 : FLTMGR.SYS
    -378e0000 : ksecdd.sys
    -37910000 : msrpc.sys
    -37980000 : cmimcext.sys
    -37990000 : werkernel.sys
    -379b0000 : ntosext.sys
    -379c0000 : WDFLDR.SYS
    -379e0000 : WppRecorder.sys
    -37a00000 : PRM.sys
    -37a10000 : lxss.sys
    -37e30000 : CI.dll
    -37f30000 : cng.sys
    -37ff0000 : WMILIB.SYS
    -38c00000 : ibtusb.sys
    -38d90000 : BTHUSB.sys
    -38dc0000 : BTHport.sys
    -38fd0000 : vwifimp.sys
    -38ff0000 : ndiswan.sys
    -39030000 : vhf.sys
    -39050000 : usbccgp.sys
    -39090000 : hidusb.sys
    -390b0000 : HIDCLASS.SYS
    -39100000 : kbdhid.sys
    -39120000 : kbdclass.sys
    -39140000 : gameflt.sys
    -39170000 : mouhid.sys
    -39190000 : mouclass.sys
    -391b0000 : rfcomm.sys
    -39e00000 : ntoskrnl.exe
    -3d400000 : Wdf01000.sys
    -3d4d0000 : acpiex.sys
    -3d500000 : LXCORE.SYS
    -3d620000 : ACPI.sys
    -3d6e0000 : msisadrv.sys
    -3d6f0000 : pci.sys
    -3d780000 : tpm.sys
    -3d7f0000 : intelpep.sys
    -3d880000 : WindowsTrustedRT.sys
    -3d8a0000 : IntelPMT.sys
    -3d8c0000 : WindowsTrustedRTProxy.sys
    -3d8d0000 : pcw.sys
    -3d8f0000 : vdrvroot.sys
    -3d910000 : pdc.sys
    -3d950000 : CEA.sys
    -3d970000 : partmgr.sys
    -3d9b0000 : spaceport.sys
    -3daa0000 : volmgr.sys
    -3dac0000 : volmgrx.sys
    -3db30000 : mountmgr.sys
    -3db50000 : storahci.sys
    -3db90000 : storport.sys
    -3dcb0000 : iaStorVD.sys
    -3deb0000 : stornvme.sys
    -3def0000 : EhStorClass.sys
    -3df20000 : fileinfo.sys
    -3df40000 : Wof.sys
    -3df90000 : WdFilter.sys
    -3e030000 : Ntfs.sys
    -3e370000 : Fs_Rec.sys
    -3e380000 : ndis.sys
    -3e520000 : NETIO.SYS
    -3e5d0000 : fse.sys
    -3e610000 : fwpkclnt.sys
    -3e6a0000 : ksecpkg.sys
    -3e6e0000 : tcpip.sys
    -3ea10000 : wfplwfs.sys
    -3ea50000 : VmsProxy.sys
    -3ea60000 : VmsProxyHNic.sys
    -3ea80000 : fvevol.sys
    -3eb60000 : volume.sys
    -3eb70000 : volsnap.sys
    -3ebf0000 : rdyboost.sys
    -3ec50000 : pwdrvio.sys
    -3ec60000 : mup.sys
    -3ec90000 : iorate.sys
    -3ecd0000 : disk.sys
    -3ed00000 : CLASSPNP.SYS
    -3f000000 : ahcache.sys
    -3f060000 : vmbusr.sys
    -3f0b0000 : umbus.sys
    -3f0d0000 : Netwtw10.sys
    -3f690000 : crashdmp.sys
    -3f6c0000 : nwifi.sys
    -3f780000 : msquic.sys
    -3f800000 : btampm.sys
    -3f820000 : Microsoft.Bluetooth.AvrcpTransport.sys
    -3f840000 : bthhfenum.sys
    -3f870000 : hidbth.sys
    -3f8a0000 : BthHfAud.sys
    -3f8c0000 : umpass.sys
    -3f8d0000 : RTCore64.sys
    -3f8e0000 : WdNisDrv.sys
    -3f900000 : LGVirHid64.sys
    -3f910000 : MpKslDrv.sys
    -3fee0000 : BthEnum.sys
    -3ff10000 : bthpan.sys
    -3ff40000 : Microsoft.Bluetooth.Legacy.LEEnumerator.sys
    -3ff70000 : BthA2dp.sys
    -5a600000 : cdrom.sys
    -5a640000 : filecrypt.sys
    -5a660000 : tbs.sys
    -5a680000 : UCPD.sys
    -5a6a0000 : Null.SYS
    -5a6b0000 : Beep.SYS
    -5a6c0000 : dxgkrnl.sys
    -5ab50000 : watchdog.sys
    -5ab80000 : BasicDisplay.sys
    -5aba0000 : BasicRender.sys
    -5abc0000 : Npfs.SYS
    -5abe0000 : Msfs.SYS
    -5ac00000 : CimFS.SYS
    -5ac30000 : tdx.sys
    -5ac60000 : TDI.SYS
    -5ac80000 : netbt.sys
    -5ace0000 : afunix.sys
    -5ad00000 : afd.sys
    -5adb0000 : kdnic.sys
    -5add0000 : vwififlt.sys
    -5adf0000 : vfpext.sys
    -5af90000 : pacer.sys
    -5afc0000 : ndiscap.sys
    -5afe0000 : netbios.sys
    -5b000000 : Vid.sys
    -5b0d0000 : winhvr.sys
    -5b100000 : rdbss.sys
    -5b180000 : steamxbox.sys
    -5b1d0000 : nsiproxy.sys
    -5b1f0000 : npsvctrig.sys
    -5b210000 : mssmbios.sys
    -5b230000 : hvsocketcontrol.sys
    -5b240000 : hvsocket.sys
    -5b270000 : dfsc.sys
    -5b2a0000 : vmbkmclr.sys
    -5b2e0000 : fastfat.SYS
    -5b350000 : CtiIo64.sys
    -5b360000 : bam.sys
    -5b380000 : hvservice.sys
    -5b3a0000 : vgk.sys
    -5d9e0000 : CompositeBus.sys
    -6f600000 : ks.sys
    -6f690000 : USBXHCI.SYS
    -6f740000 : ucx01000.sys
    -6f790000 : UcmCxUcsiNvppc.sys
    -6f840000 : UcmCx.sys
    -6f880000 : gna.sys
    -6f8a0000 : TeeDriverW10x64.sys
    -6f8f0000 : cthdb.sys
    -6f900000 : ksthunk.sys
    -6f920000 : rt640x64.sys
    -6fa40000 : wdiwifi.sys
    -6fb50000 : vwifibus.sys
    -6fb70000 : acpitime.sys
    -6fb80000 : intelpmax.sys
    -6fba0000 : raspptp.sys
    -6fbe0000 : nvlddmkm.sys
    -736f0000 : HDAudBus.sys
    -73720000 : portcls.sys
    -737a0000 : drmk.sys
    -737d0000 : ndistapi.sys
    -78600000 : storvsp.sys
    -78650000 : nvvad64v.sys
    -78660000 : NvModuleTracker.sys
    -78670000 : nvvhci.sys
    -78690000 : NdisVirtualBus.sys
    -786a0000 : swenum.sys
    -786b0000 : LGBusEnum64.sys
    -786c0000 : LGJoyXlCore64.sys
    -786e0000 : rdpbus.sys
    -78700000 : UsbHub3.sys
    -787c0000 : USBD.SYS
    -787d0000 : nvhda64v.sys
    -787f0000 : uaspstor.sys
    -78810000 : cthda.sys
    -78920000 : WIN32KSGD.SYS
    -78930000 : HIDPARSE.SYS
    -78970000 : dump_dumpstorport.sys
    -789d0000 : dump_stornvme.sys
    -78a30000 : dump_dumpfve.sys
    -78a50000 : dxgmms2.sys
    -78b70000 : monitor.sys
    -78b90000 : bfs.sys
    -78bb0000 : luafv.sys
    -78be0000 : wcifs.sys
    -78c20000 : WUDFRd.sys
    -78c80000 : cldflt.sys
    -78d10000 : WpdUpFltr.sys
    -78d20000 : storqosflt.sys
    -78d40000 : bindflt.sys
    -78d70000 : CYMON.SYS
    -78da0000 : lltdio.sys
    -78dc0000 : wanarp.sys
    -78de0000 : rspndr.sys
    -78e00000 : mslldp.sys
    -78e20000 : vmswitch.sys
    -790d0000 : ndisuio.sys
    -79100000 : intelppm.sys
    -79150000 : acpipagr.sys
    -79160000 : wmiacpi.sys
    -79170000 : UEFI.sys
    -79190000 : vpcivsp.sys
    -791d0000 : rasl2tp.sys
    -79200000 : BstkDrv_nxt.sys
    -79280000 : srvnet.sys
    -792e0000 : logi_lamparray.sys
    -79300000 : Ndu.sys
    -79330000 : mmcss.sys
    -79350000 : peauth.sys
    -79430000 : tcpipreg.sys
    -79450000 : wtd.sys
    -79470000 : rassstp.sys
    -79490000 : srv2.sys
    -79570000 : NDProxy.sys
    -79590000 : xvdd.sys
    -79680000 : AgileVpn.sys
    -796b0000 : HTTP.sys
    -79860000 : condrv.sys
    -79880000 : bowser.sys
    -798b0000 : mpsdrv.sys
    -798d0000 : mrxsmb.sys
    -79980000 : mrxsmb20.sys
    -799d0000 : 000.fcl
    -799e0000 : raspppoe.sys
    -b3400000 : win32kbase.sys
    -b3760000 : win32kfull.sys
    -b3b40000 : cdd.dll
    -b43e0000 : win32k.sys

Executing Processes: 
[With ToolHelp32]
    -00000000 : [System Process] (40 Threads.)
    -00000004 : System (389 Threads.)
    -000000cc : Secure System (0 Threads.)
    -000000ec : Registry (4 Threads.)
    -00000358 : smss.exe (4 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �Z�b�V���� �}�l�[�W���[
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000003e8 : csrss.exe (18 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - �N���C�A���g �T�[�o�[ �����^�C�� �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -0000045c : wininit.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - Windows �X�^�[�g�A�b�v �A�v���P�[�V����
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000474 : csrss.exe (18 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - �N���C�A���g �T�[�o�[ �����^�C�� �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000004a8 : services.exe (19 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - �T�[�r�X�ƃR���g���[���[ �A�v���P�[�V����
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000004bc : LsaIso.exe (3 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3733 - Credential Guard & VBS Key Isolation
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000004c4 : lsass.exe (13 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3235 - Local Security Authority Process
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000518 : winlogon.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3810 - Windows ���O�I�� �A�v���P�[�V����
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000590 : svchost.exe (58 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000005ac : fontdrvhost.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3733 - Usermode Font Driver Host
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000005b4 : fontdrvhost.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3733 - Usermode Font Driver Host
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000610 : svchost.exe (16 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000644 : svchost.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000698 : svchost.exe (3 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000006d4 : svchost.exe (11 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000006ec : svchost.exe (10 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000006f4 : svchost.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000710 : svchost.exe (57 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -0000078c : dwm.exe (45 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - �f�X�N�g�b�v �E�B���h�E �}�l�[�W���[
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000007e4 : svchost.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000006fc : svchost.exe (16 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000007c4 : svchost.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000007a4 : svchost.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000007d4 : svchost.exe (22 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000878 : svchost.exe (11 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -0000090c : svchost.exe (4 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000934 : svchost.exe (8 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -0000098c : WUDFHost.exe (8 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.2506 - Windows Driver Foundation - ���[�U�[ ���[�h �h���C�o�[ �t���[�����[�N �z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000009c0 : svchost.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000009dc : svchost.exe (3 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000a14 : NVDisplay.Container.exe (40 Threads.)
    -00000a50 : svchost.exe (10 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000a6c : svchost.exe (6 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000a74 : svchost.exe (8 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000a7c : svchost.exe (4 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000ae0 : Memory Compression (18 Threads.)
    -00000b10 : svchost.exe (6 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000b34 : svchost.exe (8 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000b44 : svchost.exe (25 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000be8 : NVDisplay.Container.exe (37 Threads.)
    -00000838 : svchost.exe (21 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000ac4 : svchost.exe (19 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000c78 : CTAudSvc.exe (7 Threads.)
    -00000d28 : svchost.exe (6 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000e08 : svchost.exe (28 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000e98 : svchost.exe (10 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000ea4 : svchost.exe (26 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000ea0 : svchost.exe (9 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000f20 : svchost.exe (12 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000f88 : svchost.exe (20 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000fa0 : svchost.exe (22 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001020 : spoolsv.exe (15 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - �X�v�[���[ �T�u�V�X�e�� �A�v���P�[�V����
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001054 : svchost.exe (18 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001148 : svchost.exe (8 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000011ec : AppleMobileDeviceService.exe (11 Threads.)
    -000011f4 : svchost.exe (9 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000011fc : mDNSResponder.exe (6 Threads.)
    -00001204 : svchost.exe (18 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -0000120c : svchost.exe (20 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001218 : svchost.exe (6 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001224 : svchost.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001230 : DSAService.exe (34 Threads.)
    -00001238 : CtHdaSvc.exe (10 Threads.)
    -00001240 : cthwsrv64.exe (8 Threads.)
    -00001248 : EvtEng.exe (20 Threads.)
       - Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log Service
                Copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1999-2013
    -00001254 : svchost.exe (15 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001264 : svchost.exe (3 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001270 : jhi_service.exe (6 Threads.)
    -0000128c : svchost.exe (11 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001294 : nvcontainer.exe (44 Threads.)
    -0000129c : RegSrvc.exe (6 Threads.)
       - Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry Service
                Copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1999-2013
    -000012a4 : svchost.exe (4 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000012c0 : UCManSvc.exe (7 Threads.)
    -000012c8 : ZeroConfigService.exe (14 Threads.)
       - IntelR PROSet/Wireless Zero Configure Service
                Copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1999-2013
    -000012d0 : LogiRegistryService.exe (7 Threads.)
    -000012e0 : RstMwService.exe (13 Threads.)
    -000012ec : MpDefenderCoreService.exe (8 Threads.)
    -00001314 : MsMpEng.exe (103 Threads.)
    -00001320 : WMIRegistrationService.exe (8 Threads.)
    -0000151c : escsvc64.exe (4 Threads.)
       - Epson Scanner Service (64bit)
                Copyright (C) Seiko Epson Corporation 2010
    -000015d0 : svchost.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001628 : gamingservices.exe (30 Threads.)
    -00001630 : gamingservicesnet.exe (5 Threads.)
    -000016e0 : logi_lamparray_service.exe (19 Threads.)
    -00001714 : svchost.exe (3 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001434 : svchost.exe (3 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000016a0 : unsecapp.exe (4 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - Sink to receive asynchronous callbacks for WMI client application
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001760 : WmiPrvSE.exe (18 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - WMI Provider Host
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000017b0 : WmiPrvSE.exe (9 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - WMI Provider Host
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -0000193c : svchost.exe (10 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000019c4 : svchost.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000019f4 : svchost.exe (16 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001bf0 : svchost.exe (10 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -0000119c : rundll32.exe (4 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3880 - Windows �z�X�g �v���Z�X (Rundll32)
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000588 : AggregatorHost.exe (4 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - Microsoft (R) Aggregator Host
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000018a4 : svchost.exe (4 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001c70 : sihost.exe (27 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - Shell Infrastructure Host
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001d14 : svchost.exe (9 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001d20 : svchost.exe (18 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001d60 : svchost.exe (6 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001da4 : svchost.exe (16 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001dfc : taskhostw.exe (9 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3810 - Windows �^�X�N�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001e04 : ClAdmin.exe (5 Threads.)
    -00001e20 : MSIAfterburner.exe (8 Threads.)
    -00001e40 : svchost.exe (10 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00001ee8 : rundll32.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3880 - Windows �z�X�g �v���Z�X (Rundll32)
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002064 : nvcontainer.exe (17 Threads.)
    -00002070 : svchost.exe (18 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002084 : explorer.exe (142 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3880 - �G�N�X�v���[���[
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000020bc : nvcontainer.exe (30 Threads.)
    -00002138 : svchost.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000021e8 : svchost.exe (6 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002268 : svchost.exe (3 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -0000235c : svchost.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000023ac : svchost.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000022a8 : DSAUpdateService.exe (9 Threads.)
    -000023a0 : svchost.exe (6 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002440 : svchost.exe (9 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002584 : SearchHost.exe (79 Threads.)
    -0000259c : StartMenuExperienceHost.exe (45 Threads.)
    -00002610 : Widgets.exe (5 Threads.)
    -00002634 : RuntimeBroker.exe (8 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - Runtime Broker
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002690 : svchost.exe (11 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000026a0 : RuntimeBroker.exe (18 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - Runtime Broker
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002890 : svchost.exe (3 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002a84 : svchost.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002a8c : svchost.exe (12 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002a94 : svchost.exe (10 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002afc : svchost.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002b5c : NVIDIA Web Helper.exe (93 Threads.)
    -00002934 : svchost.exe (8 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002940 : conhost.exe (3 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - �R���\�[�� �E�B���h�E �z�X�g
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002c68 : dllhost.exe (15 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - COM Surrogate
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002d70 : backgroundTaskHost.exe (11 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Background Task Host
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002ff8 : smartscreen.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - Windows Defender SmartScreen
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002a60 : CLaunch.exe (11 Threads.)
    -000028f0 : svchost.exe (16 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -0000292c : ctfmon.exe (16 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - CTF ���[�_�[
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002e0c : audiodg.exe (6 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3810 - Windows �I�[�f�B�I �f�o�C�X �O���t �A�C�\���[�V����
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00003064 : svchost.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000030a8 : PhoneExperienceHost.exe (35 Threads.)
    -00002f68 : SearchIndexer.exe (12 Threads.)
                7.0.22621.3810 - Microsoft Windows Search Indexer
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000032d8 : WidgetService.exe (9 Threads.)
    -000007a8 : NisSrv.exe (9 Threads.)
    -00003218 : RuntimeBroker.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - Runtime Broker
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -0000366c : SecurityHealthSystray.exe (3 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3527 - Windows Security notification icon
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00003690 : SecurityHealthService.exe (15 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - Windows Security Health Service
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00003720 : nvsphelper64.exe (8 Threads.)
    -0000373c : NVIDIA Share.exe (37 Threads.)
    -00003260 : NVIDIA Share.exe (25 Threads.)
    -000036fc : NVIDIA Share.exe (18 Threads.)
    -00003584 : DSATray.exe (8 Threads.)
    -00002e54 : svchost.exe (9 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00003604 : LCore.exe (24 Threads.)
    -0000352c : laclient.exe (8 Threads.)
    -00003668 : conhost.exe (4 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - �R���\�[�� �E�B���h�E �z�X�g
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002b0c : FreeAlarmClock.exe (10 Threads.)
    -00003098 : TextInputHost.exe (44 Threads.)
    -000038b8 : EPSDNMON.EXE (2 Threads.)
    -000038fc : svchost.exe (4 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00003944 : svchost.exe (11 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00003988 : EarTrumpet.exe (11 Threads.)
    -00003a94 : GoogleIMEJaConverter.exe (4 Threads.)
    -00003b04 : GoogleIMEJaRenderer.exe (5 Threads.)
    -00003b28 : OemDrv.exe (7 Threads.)
    -00003b78 : SBZ.exe (8 Threads.)
    -00003bf4 : jusched.exe (2 Threads.)
==> -00003818 : ssp.exe (31 Threads.)
       - SSP
                (C) D-EXCLAMATION / SSP BUGTRAQ
    -00003b40 : svchost.exe (13 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00003a48 : DeepL.exe (60 Threads.)
    -00003e88 : CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe (16 Threads.)
    -00003ea0 : CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe (13 Threads.)
    -00003fe4 : CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe (11 Threads.)
    -00003ba0 : CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe (15 Threads.)
    -00003b8c : CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe (21 Threads.)
    -00003d5c : DiskInfo64A.exe (5 Threads.)
    -00001360 : svchost.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002398 : taskhostw.exe (5 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3810 - Windows �^�X�N�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000030a0 : firefox.exe (89 Threads.)
    -000034e0 : firefox.exe (73 Threads.)
    -00001cbc : firefox.exe (9 Threads.)
    -00003538 : RuntimeBroker.exe (4 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3672 - Runtime Broker
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00003d6c : firefox.exe (31 Threads.)
    -00000410 : firefox.exe (31 Threads.)
    -00003df0 : firefox.exe (31 Threads.)
    -00000488 : firefox.exe (31 Threads.)
    -00002d84 : firefox.exe (32 Threads.)
    -00001738 : firefox.exe (9 Threads.)
    -000028bc : firefox.exe (31 Threads.)
    -00000f40 : firefox.exe (31 Threads.)
    -000013d4 : firefox.exe (31 Threads.)
    -0000406c : svchost.exe (15 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00004134 : svchost.exe (14 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00004284 : firefox.exe (30 Threads.)
    -000041b4 : SearchProtocolHost.exe (6 Threads.)
                7.0.22621.3810 - Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00002b38 : svchost.exe (17 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000036a0 : GoogleIMEJaCacheService.exe (4 Threads.)
    -000031a8 : svchost.exe (7 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -000029ac : svchost.exe (11 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.1 - Windows �T�[�r�X�̃z�X�g �v���Z�X
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -00000a5c : firefox.exe (23 Threads.)
    -000028cc : firefox.exe (23 Threads.)
    -00001944 : explorer.exe (90 Threads.)
                10.0.22621.3880 - �G�N�X�v���[���[
                c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Executing Threads: 
[With ToolHelp32]
==> -00003824 : 8(0)
    -00003830 : 8(0)
    -00003858 : 8(0)
    -00003870 : 8(0)
    -00002f58 : 8(0)
    -00003650 : 8(0)
    -0000364c : 9(0)
    -00003a70 : 7(0)
    -00003a6c : 7(0)
    -00003a68 : 8(0)
    -00003ad8 : 8(0)
    -00003b6c : 7(0)
    -00001744 : 8(0)
    -00001880 : 7(0)
    -00003978 : 7(0)
    -00003a50 : 8(0)
    -00003a5c : 7(0)
    -00003a58 : 7(0)
    -00003a4c : 7(0)
    -00003f40 : 8(0)
    -00003f7c : 8(0)
    -00003f90 : 8(0)
    -00003d50 : 8(0)
    -00002ae4 : 8(0)
    -00003c30 : 8(0)
    -00003c80 : 8(0)
    -00003b34 : 8(0)
    -0000191c : 8(0)
    -00000704 : 8(0)
    -00004358 : 8(0)
    -00000b4c : 8(0)

Executing Services: 
[With SCM/NT]
    ---AJRouter (AllJoyn Router Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---ALG (Application Layer Gateway Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---AppIDSvc (Application Identity) - Stopped/Paused
    ***Appinfo (Application Information) - Running
    ***Apple Mobile Device Service (Apple Mobile Device Service) - Running
    ---AppReadiness (App Readiness) - Stopped/Paused
    ***AppXSvc (AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)) - Running
    ***AudioEndpointBuilder (Windows Audio Endpoint Builder) - Running
    ***Audiosrv (Windows Audio) - Running
    ---autotimesvc (�g�ѓd�b�̎���) - Stopped/Paused
    ---AxInstSV (ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)) - Stopped/Paused
    ***BDESVC (BitLocker Drive Encryption Service) - Running
    ---BEService (BattlEye Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***BFE (Base Filtering Engine) - Running
    ---BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***Bonjour Service (Bonjour �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ***BrokerInfrastructure (Background Tasks Infrastructure Service) - Running
    ***BTAGService (Bluetooth �I�[�f�B�I �Q�[�g�E�F�C �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ***BthAvctpSvc (AVCTP �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ***bthserv (Bluetooth �T�|�[�g �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ***camsvc (�@�\�A�N�Z�X �}�l�[�W���[ �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ---CCleanerPerformanceOptimizerService (CCleaner Performance Optimizer Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***CDPSvc (Connected Devices Platform Service) - Running
    ---CertPropSvc (Certificate Propagation) - Stopped/Paused
    ***ClipSVC (Client License Service (ClipSVC)) - Running
    ---COMSysApp (COM+ System Application) - Stopped/Paused
    ***CoreMessagingRegistrar (CoreMessaging) - Running
    ***CryptSvc (Cryptographic Services) - Running
    ***CTAudSvcService (Creative Audio Service) - Running
    ***CtHdaSvc (Sound Blaster Audio Service) - Running
    ***CypherGuard Info Service (CypherGuard Info Service) - Running
    ***DcomLaunch (DCOM Server Process Launcher) - Running
    ---dcsvc (�錾�ςݍ\�� (DC) �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---defragsvc (Optimize drives) - Stopped/Paused
    ***DeviceAssociationService (Device Association Service) - Running
    ***DeviceInstall (Device Install Service) - Running
    ***DevQueryBroker (DevQuery Background Discovery Broker) - Running
    ***Dhcp (DHCP Client) - Running
    ---diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service (Microsoft (R) �f�f�n�u�W���R���N�^�[ �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---diagsvc (Diagnostic Execution Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***DiagTrack (Connected User Experiences and Telemetry) - Running
    ***DispBrokerDesktopSvc (�|���V�[ �T�[�r�X�̕\��) - Running
    ---DisplayEnhancementService (�f�B�X�v���C�g���T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---DmEnrollmentSvc (�f�o�C�X�Ǘ��o�^�T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---dmwappushservice (�f�o�C�X�Ǘ����C�����X �A�v���P�[�V���� �v���g�R�� (WAP) �v�b�V�� ���b�Z�[�W ���[�e�B���O �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ***Dnscache (DNS Client) - Running
    ***DoSvc (Delivery Optimization) - Running
    ---dot3svc (Wired AutoConfig) - Stopped/Paused
    ***DPS (Diagnostic Policy Service) - Running
    ***DSAService (Intel(R) Driver & Support Assistant) - Running
    ***DSAUpdateService (Intel(R) Driver & Support Assistant Updater) - Running
    ---DsmSvc (Device Setup Manager) - Stopped/Paused
    ---DsSvc (Data Sharing Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***DusmSvc (�f�[�^�g�p��) - Running
    ---EABackgroundService (EABackgroundService) - Stopped/Paused
    ---EapHost (Extensible Authentication Protocol) - Stopped/Paused
    ---EasyAntiCheat (EasyAntiCheat) - Stopped/Paused
    ---EasyAntiCheat_EOS (Easy Anti-Cheat (Epic Online Services)) - Stopped/Paused
    ---edgeupdate ( Microsoft Edge �̍X�V �T�[�r�X (edgeupdate)) - Stopped/Paused
    ---edgeupdatem ( Microsoft Edge �̍X�V �T�[�r�X (edgeupdatem)) - Stopped/Paused
    ---EFS (Encrypting File System (EFS)) - Stopped/Paused
    ---embeddedmode (���ߍ��݃��[�h) - Stopped/Paused
    ---EntAppSvc (Enterprise App Management Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---EpicOnlineServices (Epic Online Services) - Stopped/Paused
    ***EpsonScanSvc (Epson Scanner Service) - Running
    ---EQU8_39 (EQU8_39) - Stopped/Paused
    ***EventLog (Windows Event Log) - Running
    ***EventSystem (COM+ Event System) - Running
    ***EvtEng (Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log) - Running
    ---Fax (Fax) - Stopped/Paused
    ---fdPHost (Function Discovery Provider Host) - Stopped/Paused
    ---FDResPub (Function Discovery Resource Publication) - Stopped/Paused
    ---fhsvc (File History Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***FontCache (Windows Font Cache Service) - Running
    ---FontCache3.0.0.0 (Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache - Stopped/Paused
    ---FrameServer (Windows �J���� �t���[�� �T�[�o�[) - Stopped/Paused
    ---FrameServerMonitor (Windows �J���� �t���[�� �T�[�o�[ ���j�^�[) - Stopped/Paused
    ---FvSvc (NVIDIA FrameView SDK service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---GameInput Service (GameInput Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---GameInputSvc (GameInput Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***GamingServices (Gaming Services) - Running
    ***GamingServicesNet (Gaming Services) - Running
    ---GoogleChromeElevationService (Google Chrome Elevation Service (GoogleChromeElevationService)) - Stopped/Paused
    ***GoogleIMEJaCacheService (Google Japanese Input Cache Service) - Running
    ***gpsvc (Group Policy Client) - Running
    ---GraphicsPerfSvc (GraphicsPerfSvc) - Stopped/Paused
    ***hidserv (Human Interface Device Service) - Running
    ***hns (�z�X�g �l�b�g���[�N �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ***HvHost (HV �z�X�g �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ---icssvc (Windows ���o�C�� �z�b�g�X�|�b�g �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ***IKEEXT (IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules) - Running
    ***InstallService (Microsoft Store �C���X�g�[�� �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ---Intel(R) Platform License Manager Service (Intel(R) Platform License Manager Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***InventorySvc (�C���x���g���ƌ݊����̕]���T�[�r�X) - Running
    ***iphlpsvc (IP Helper) - Running
    ---IpxlatCfgSvc (IP �ϊ��\���T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ***jhi_service (Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface Service) - Running
    ***KeyIso (CNG Key Isolation) - Running
    ---KtmRm (KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator) - Stopped/Paused
    ***LanmanServer (Server) - Running
    ***LanmanWorkstation (Workstation) - Running
    ---lfsvc (Geolocation Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***LicenseManager (Windows ���C�Z���X �}�l�[�W���[ �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ---lltdsvc (Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper) - Stopped/Paused
    ***lmhosts (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper) - Running
    ***LogiRegistryService (Logitech Gaming Registry Service) - Running
    ***logi_lamparray_service (Logicool LampArray Service) - Running
    ***LSM (Local Session Manager) - Running
    ---LxpSvc (����G�N�X�y���G���X �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---LxssManager (LxssManager) - Stopped/Paused
    ---MapsBroker (Downloaded Maps Manager) - Stopped/Paused
    ---McpManagementService (McpManagementService) - Stopped/Paused
    ***MDCoreSvc (Microsoft Defender Core Service) - Running
    ---MicrosoftEdgeElevationService (Microsoft Edge Elevation Service (MicrosoftEdgeElevationService)) - Stopped/Paused
    ---MixedRealityOpenXRSvc (Windows Mixed Reality OpenXR �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---MozillaMaintenance (Mozilla Maintenance Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***mpssvc (Windows Defender Firewall) - Running
    ---MSDTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator) - Stopped/Paused
    ---MSiSCSI (Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---msiserver (Windows Installer) - Stopped/Paused
    ---MyWiFiDHCPDNS (Wireless PAN DHCP Server) - Stopped/Paused
    ---NaturalAuthentication (���R�F��) - Stopped/Paused
    ---NcaSvc (Network Connectivity Assistant) - Stopped/Paused
    ***NcbService (Network Connection Broker) - Running
    ---NcdAutoSetup (Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup) - Stopped/Paused
    ---Netlogon (Netlogon) - Stopped/Paused
    ---Netman (Network Connections) - Stopped/Paused
    ***netprofm (Network List Service) - Running
    ---NetSetupSvc (Network Setup Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---NetTcpPortSharing (Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***NgcCtnrSvc (Microsoft Passport Container) - Running
    ---NgcSvc (Microsoft Passport) - Stopped/Paused
    ---NlaSvc (�l�b�g���[�N�̏ꏊ�̔F��) - Stopped/Paused
    ***nsi (Network Store Interface Service) - Running
    ***nvagent (�l�b�g���[�N���z���T�[�r�X) - Running
    ***NvContainerLocalSystem (NVIDIA LocalSystem Container) - Running
    ***NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem (NVIDIA Display Container LS) - Running
    ---Origin Client Service (Origin Client Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---Origin Web Helper Service (Origin Web Helper Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---p2pimsvc (Peer Networking Identity Manager) - Stopped/Paused
    ---p2psvc (Peer Networking Grouping) - Stopped/Paused
    ***PcaSvc (Program Compatibility Assistant Service) - Running
    ---perceptionsimulation (Windows �F���V�~�����[�V���� �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---PerfHost (Performance Counter DLL Host) - Stopped/Paused
    ***PhoneSvc (Phone Service) - Running
    ---pla (Performance Logs & Alerts) - Stopped/Paused
    ***PlugPlay (Plug and Play) - Running
    ---PNRPAutoReg (PNRP Machine Name Publication Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---PNRPsvc (Peer Name Resolution Protocol) - Stopped/Paused
    ---PolicyAgent (IPsec Policy Agent) - Stopped/Paused
    ***Power (Power) - Running
    ---PrintNotify (Printer Extensions and Notifications) - Stopped/Paused
    ***ProfSvc (User Profile Service) - Running
    ---PushToInstall (Windows PushToInstall �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---QWAVE (Quality Windows Audio Video Experience) - Stopped/Paused
    ---RasAuto (Remote Access Auto Connection Manager) - Stopped/Paused
    ***RasMan (Remote Access Connection Manager) - Running
    ***RegSrvc (Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry Service) - Running
    ---RemoteAccess (Routing and Remote Access) - Stopped/Paused
    ---RemoteRegistry (Remote Registry) - Stopped/Paused
    ---RetailDemo (�s�̃f�� �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ***RmSvc (�����Ǘ��T�[�r�X) - Running
    ***RpcEptMapper (RPC Endpoint Mapper) - Running
    ---RpcLocator (Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator) - Stopped/Paused
    ***RpcSs (Remote Procedure Call (RPC)) - Running
    ***RstMwService (Intel(R) Storage Middleware Service) - Running
    ***SamSs (Security Accounts Manager) - Running
    ---SCardSvr (Smart Card) - Stopped/Paused
    ---ScDeviceEnum (Smart Card Device Enumeration Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***Schedule (Task Scheduler) - Running
    ---SCPolicySvc (Smart Card Removal Policy) - Stopped/Paused
    ---SDRSVC (Windows �o�b�N�A�b�v) - Stopped/Paused
    ---seclogon (Secondary Logon) - Stopped/Paused
    ***SecurityHealthService (Windows �Z�L�����e�B �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ---SEMgrSvc (�x��������� NFC/SE �}�l�[�W���[) - Stopped/Paused
    ***SENS (System Event Notification Service) - Running
    ---SensorDataService (Sensor Data Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---SensorService (Sensor Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---SensrSvc (Sensor Monitoring Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---SessionEnv (Remote Desktop Configuration) - Stopped/Paused
    ---SgrmBroker (System Guard �����^�C�� ���j�^�[ �u���[�J�[) - Stopped/Paused
    ***SharedAccess (Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)) - Running
    ---SharedRealitySvc (��ԃf�[�^ �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ***ShellHWDetection (Shell Hardware Detection) - Running
    ---shpamsvc (Shared PC Account Manager) - Stopped/Paused
    ---smphost (Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP) - Stopped/Paused
    ---SmsRouter (Microsoft Windows SMS ���[�^�[ �T�[�r�X�B) - Stopped/Paused
    ---SNMPTrap (SNMP �g���b�v) - Stopped/Paused
    ---spectrum (Windows �F���T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ***Spooler (Print Spooler) - Running
    ---sppsvc (Software Protection) - Stopped/Paused
    ---SSDPSRV (SSDP Discovery) - Stopped/Paused
    ---ssh-agent (OpenSSH Authentication Agent) - Stopped/Paused
    ***SstpSvc (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service) - Running
    ***StateRepository (State Repository Service) - Running
    ---Steam Client Service (Steam Client Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***StiSvc (Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)) - Running
    ***StorSvc (Storage Service) - Running
    ---svsvc (Spot Verifier) - Stopped/Paused
    ---swprv (Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider) - Stopped/Paused
    ***SysMain (SysMain) - Running
    ***SystemEventsBroker (System Events Broker) - Running
    ---TapiSrv (Telephony) - Stopped/Paused
    ---TermService (Remote Desktop Services) - Stopped/Paused
    ***TextInputManagementService (Text Input Management Service) - Running
    ***Themes (Themes) - Running
    ---TieringEngineService (Storage Tiers Management) - Stopped/Paused
    ***TimeBrokerSvc (Time Broker) - Running
    ***TokenBroker (Web �A�J�E���g �}�l�[�W���[) - Running
    ***TrkWks (Distributed Link Tracking Client) - Running
    ---TroubleshootingSvc (�����g���u���V���[�e�B���O �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---TrustedInstaller (Windows Modules Installer) - Stopped/Paused
    ---tzautoupdate (�^�C�� �]�[���̎����X�V�@�\) - Stopped/Paused
    ***UCManSvc (UCManSvc) - Running
    ---uhssvc (Microsoft Update Health Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---UmRdpService (Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector) - Stopped/Paused
    ---upnphost (UPnP Device Host) - Stopped/Paused
    ***UserManager (User Manager) - Running
    ***UsoSvc (Orchestrator Service �̍X�V) - Running
    ---VacSvc (�e�σI�[�f�B�I �R���|�W�^�[ �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ***VaultSvc (Credential Manager) - Running
    ---vds (Virtual Disk) - Stopped/Paused
    ---vgc (vgc) - Stopped/Paused
    ---vmcompute (Hyper-V �z�X�g �R���s���[�e�B���O �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---vmicguestinterface (Hyper-V Guest Service Interface) - Stopped/Paused
    ---vmicheartbeat (Hyper-V Heartbeat Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---vmickvpexchange (Hyper-V Data Exchange Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---vmicrdv (Hyper-V �����[�g �f�X�N�g�b�v���z���T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---vmicshutdown (Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---vmictimesync (Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---vmicvmsession (Hyper-V PowerShell Direct Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---vmicvss (Hyper-V �{�����[�� �V���h�E �R�s�[ ���N�G�X�^�[) - Stopped/Paused
    ---VSInstallerElevationService (Visual Studio Installer Elevation Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---VSS (Volume Shadow Copy) - Stopped/Paused
    ---VSStandardCollectorService150 (Visual Studio Standard Collector Service 150) - Stopped/Paused
    ---W32Time (Windows Time) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WaaSMedicSvc (WaaSMedicSvc) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WalletService (WalletService) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WarpJITSvc (Warp JIT Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---wbengine (Block Level Backup Engine Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WbioSrvc (Windows Biometric Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***Wcmsvc (Windows Connection Manager) - Running
    ---wcncsvc (Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WdiServiceHost (Diagnostic Service Host) - Stopped/Paused
    ***WdiSystemHost (Diagnostic System Host) - Running
    ***WdNisSvc (Microsoft Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service) - Running
    ---WebClient (WebClient) - Stopped/Paused
    ***webthreatdefsvc (Web Threat Defense �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ---Wecsvc (Windows Event Collector) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WEPHOSTSVC (Windows Encryption Provider Host Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---wercplsupport (Problem Reports Control Panel Support) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WerSvc (Windows Error Reporting Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WFDSConMgrSvc (Wi-Fi Direct �T�[�r�X�̐ڑ��}�l�[�W���[ �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WiaRpc (Still Image Acquisition Events) - Stopped/Paused
    ***WinDefend (Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service) - Running
    ***WinHttpAutoProxySvc (WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service) - Running
    ***Winmgmt (Windows Management Instrumentation) - Running
    ---WinRM (Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)) - Stopped/Paused
    ---wisvc (Windows Insider �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ***WlanSvc (WLAN AutoConfig) - Running
    ***wlidsvc (Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant) - Running
    ---wlpasvc (���[�J�� �v���t�@�C�� �A�V�X�^���g �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WManSvc (Windows �Ǘ��T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ---wmiApSrv (WMI Performance Adapter) - Stopped/Paused
    ***WMIRegistrationService (Intel(R) Management Engine WMI Provider Registration) - Running
    ---WMPNetworkSvc (Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---workfolderssvc (Work Folders) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WpcMonSvc (�ی�҂ɂ�鐧��) - Stopped/Paused
    ---WPDBusEnum (Portable Device Enumerator Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ***WpnService (Windows �v�b�V���ʒm�V�X�e�� �T�[�r�X) - Running
    ***wscsvc (�Z�L�����e�B �Z���^�[) - Running
    ***WSearch (Windows Search) - Running
    ***wuauserv (Windows Update) - Running
    ---WwanSvc (WWAN AutoConfig) - Stopped/Paused
    ***XblAuthManager (Xbox Live Auth Manager) - Running
    ---XblGameSave (Xbox Live �Z�[�u �f�[�^) - Stopped/Paused
    ---XboxGipSvc (Xbox Accessory Management Service) - Stopped/Paused
    ---XboxNetApiSvc (Xbox Live �l�b�g���[�L���O �T�[�r�X) - Stopped/Paused
    ***ZeroConfigService (Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Zero Configuration Service) - Running
    ---AarSvc_684be (Agent Activation Runtime_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ---BcastDVRUserService_684be (GameDVR �ƃu���[�h�L���X�g ���[�U�[ �T�[�r�X_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ***BluetoothUserService_684be (Bluetooth ���[�U�[ �T�|�[�g �T�[�r�X_684be) - Running
    ---CaptureService_684be (CaptureService_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ***cbdhsvc_684be (�N���b�v�{�[�h ���[�U�[ �T�[�r�X_684be) - Running
    ***CDPUserSvc_684be (Connected Devices Platform ���[�U�[ �T�[�r�X_684be) - Running
    ---CloudBackupRestoreSvc_684be (�N���E�h �o�b�N�A�b�v����ѕ����T�[�r�X_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ---ConsentUxUserSvc_684be (ConsentUX �̃��[�U�[ �T�[�r�X_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ---CredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc_684be (CredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ---DeviceAssociationBrokerSvc_684be (DeviceAssociationBroker_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ---DevicePickerUserSvc_684be (DevicePicker_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ---DevicesFlowUserSvc_684be (�f�o�C�X �t���[_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ---MessagingService_684be (MessagingService_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ---NPSMSvc_684be (NPSMSvc_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ***OneSyncSvc_684be (�z�X�g�̓���_684be) - Running
    ---P9RdrService_684be (P9RdrService_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ---PenService_684be (PenService_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ***PimIndexMaintenanceSvc_684be (Contact Data_684be) - Running
    ---PrintWorkflowUserSvc_684be (PrintWorkflow_684be) - Stopped/Paused
    ***UdkUserSvc_684be (Udk User Service_684be) - Running
    ***UnistoreSvc_684be (User Data Storage_684be) - Running
    ***UserDataSvc_684be (User Data Access_684be) - Running
    ***webthreatdefusersvc_684be (Web Threat Defense ���[�U�[ �T�[�r�X_684be) - Running
    ***WpnUserService_684be (Windows Push Notifications User Service_684be) - Running

Loaded Modules: 
[With ToolHelp32]
    -00400000 <RAW> : D:\Games\ssp\ssp.exe
             - SSP
                      (C) D-EXCLAMATION / SSP BUGTRAQ
    -066a0000 <CMP> : D:\Games\ssp\plugin\shared_value\shared_value.dll
             - Shared Value Plugin
                      Copyright (C) CSaori Project
    -10000000 <RAW> : D:\Games\ssp\plugin\SAKNIFE\SAKNIFE.dll
             - SwissArmyKnife
                      (C) 2004 SSP BUGTRAQ
    -13700000 <RAW> : D:\Games\ssp\ghost\emily4\ghost\master\yaya.dll
             - yaya
    -60350000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\windows.staterepositoryclient.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Windows StateRepository Client API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60380000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\cldapi.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - Cloud API user mode API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60620000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\PortableDeviceApi.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - Windows �|�[�^�u�� �f�o�C�X API �R���|�[�l���g
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -606b0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\wpdshext.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - �|�[�^�u�� �f�o�C�X �V�F���g��
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60740000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\DevDispItemProvider.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - DeviceItem inproc devquery �T�u�V�X�e��
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60760000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\PlayToDevice.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - PLAYTODEVICE DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -607b0000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\dlnashext.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - DLNA Namespace DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60800000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\wkscli.dll
                      10.0.22621.3374 - Workstation Service Client DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60820000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\davclnt.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Web DAV Client DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60840000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.Immersive.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - WINDOWS.UI.IMMERSIVE
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60970000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowsudk.shellcommon.dll
                      10.0.22621.3880 - Windows Undocked Dev Kit Shellcommon DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60d60000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\Windows.Storage.Search.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Windows.Storage.Search
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60e20000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\StructuredQuery.dll
                      7.0.22621.3672 - Structured Query
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60eb0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\sxs.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - Fusion 2.5
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -60f40000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\Windows.FileExplorer.Common.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Windows.FileExplorer.Common
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61290000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\ieframe.dll
                      11.0.22621.3880 - �C���^�[�l�b�g �u���E�U�[
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -618f0000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\Windows.System.Launcher.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Windows.System.Launcher
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -619e0000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - OneCoreUAP Common Proxy Stub
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61c60000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntshrui.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - ���L�p�V�F���g��
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61ce0000 <RAW> : \\?\C:\Windows\UUS\Packages\Preview\X86\wuapicore.dll
                      1306.2405.21022.0 - Windows Update �N���C�A���g API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61dc0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\npmproxy.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - Network List Manager Proxy
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61dd0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\netprofm.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - �l�b�g���[�N ���X�g �}�l�[�W���[
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61e30000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\uus\packages\preview\X86\uusbrain.dll
                      1306.2405.21022.0 - Undocked Update Stack Brain
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61e90000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\LocationApi.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - Microsoft Windows Location API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61ef0000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\deviceaccess.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Device Broker And Policy COM Server
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61f30000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\PortableDeviceTypes.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Windows Portable Device (Parameter) Types Component
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61f60000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\SensorsUtilsV2.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - �Z���T�[ v2 ���[�e�B���e�B DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61f90000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\SensorsNativeApi.V2.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Sensors Native API (V2 stack)
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -61fd0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\SensorsApi.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - Sensor API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62030000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\ntlanman.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - MicrosoftR LAN �}�l�[�W���[
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62050000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\p9np.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Plan 9 Network Provider
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62080000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cscapi.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Offline Files Win32 API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62090000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ondemandconnroutehelper.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - On Demand Connctiond Route Helper
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -620b0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wusys.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Windows Update System Library
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -620f0000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\wuapi.dll
                      1219.2405.8012.0 - Windows Update �N���C�A���g API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62130000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\pdh.dll
                      10.0.22621.3880 - Windows �p�t�H�[�}���X �f�[�^ �w���p�[ DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62180000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\wshunix.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - AF_UNIX Winsock2 Helper DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62190000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\ShellCommonCommonProxyStub.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - ShellCommon Common Proxy Stub
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62200000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\explorerframe.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - ExplorerFrame
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -623f0000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\ActXPrxy.dll
                      10.0.22621.3085 - ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62430000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - OneCore Common Proxy Stub
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62480000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\twinapi.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - twinapi
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62520000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\es.dll
                      2001.12.10941.16384 - COM+
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62580000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\mlang.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - ��������T�|�[�g DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -625c0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\QUARTZ.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - DirectShow �����^�C��
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62b30000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\atlthunk.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - atlthunk.dll
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62b60000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\oledlg.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - OLE ���[�U�[ �C���^�[�t�F�C�X �T�|�[�g
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62b90000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SAMLIB.dll
                      10.0.22621.3085 - SAM Library DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62bb0000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\vaultcli.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - ���i���ۊǃN���C�A���g ���C�u����
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62bf0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\msIso.dll
                      11.0.22621.3880 - Isolation Library for Internet Explorer
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62c30000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Shell.ServiceHostBuilder.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Windows.Shell.ServiceHostBuilder
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62c80000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\threadpoolwinrt.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Windows WinRT Threadpool
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62ca0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\drprov.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Microsoft �����[�g �f�X�N�g�b�v �Z�b�V���� �T�[�o�[ �l�b�g���[�N �v���o�C�_�[
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62cb0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DUser.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Windows DirectUser Engine
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62d30000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\mscms.dll
                      10.0.22621.3880 - Microsoft �J���[ �}�b�`���O �V�X�e�� DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62dd0000 <RAW> : \\?\C:\Windows\UUS\Packages\Preview\X86\wupscore.dll
                      1305.2405.14022.0 - Windows Update client proxy stub
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62df0000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\wups.dll
                      1217.2403.25012.1 - Windows Update client proxy stub
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62e10000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\msvcp110_win.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - MicrosoftR STL110 C++ Runtime Library
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62e80000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\policymanager.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Policy Manager DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62f10000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\thumbcache.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Microsoft �k���\���L���b�V��
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62f70000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\Bcp47Langs.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - BCP47 Language Classes
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -62fc0000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\uiautomationcore.dll
                      7.2.22621.3810 - Microsoft UI �������R�A
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -63340000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ktmw32.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Windows KTM Win32 Client DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -63350000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\d2d1.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Microsoft D2D Library
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -63870000 <RAW> : C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Japanese Input\GoogleIMEJaTIP32.dll
                      2.28.5050.0 - Google ���{���� TIP ���W���[��
                      Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    -63d30000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Microsoft Core UI Components Dll
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -63fd0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\textinputframework.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - "TextInputFramework.DYNLINK"
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -640d0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\dataexchange.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Data exchange
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -67bf0000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\twinapi.appcore.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - twinapi.appcore
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -67e30000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Globalization.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Windows Globalization
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -681e0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\windows.staterepositorycore.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Windows StateRepository API Core
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -68200000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Windows Runtime UI Foundation DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -683b0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\TextShaping.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Microsoft Text Shaping Library
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -68490000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WindowsCodecs.dll
                      10.0.22621.3880 - Microsoft Windows Codecs Library
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -68770000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\dwrite.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Microsoft DirectX �����̍كT�[�r�X
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6b150000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\wshbth.dll
                      10.0.22621.3374 - Windows Sockets Helper DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6bad0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\nlansp_c.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - NLA Namespace Service Provider DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6baf0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\winrnr.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - LDAP RnR Provider DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6bb00000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - PNRP ���O��ԃv���o�C�_�[
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6bb20000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\napinsp.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - �d�q���[�� �l�[�~���O Shim �v���o�C�_�[
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6bb40000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CoreMessaging.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Microsoft CoreMessaging Dll
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6cca0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Security Support Provider Interface
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6d220000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\samcli.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Security Accounts Manager Client DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6d240000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\XmlLite.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - Microsoft XmlLite Library
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6d270000 <RAW> : C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\tiptsf.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - �^�b�` �L�[�{�[�h�Ǝ菑�����̓p�l���̃e�L�X�g �T�[�r�X �t���[�����[�N
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6d2f0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\globinputhost.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Windows Globalization Extension API for Input
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6d320000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DUI70.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - Windows DirectUI �G���W��
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6dbd0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll
                      10.0.22621.3593 - Windows Image Helper
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6ddb0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\gpapi.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - �O���[�v �|���V�[ �N���C�A���g API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6dde0000 <RAW> : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\4.18.24060.7-0\X86\MPCLIENT.DLL
                      4.18.24060.7 - Client Interface
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6ea00000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\LINKINFO.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Windows Volume Tracking
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6ea70000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\fwpuclnt.dll
                      10.0.22621.3235 - FWP/IPsec ���[�U�[ ���[�h API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6ead0000 <RAW> : C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll
             - Bonjour Namespace Provider
                      Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Apple Inc.
    -6ed30000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\gdiplus.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Microsoft GDI+
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6eea0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll
                      6.10.22621.3672 - ���[�U�[ �G�N�X�y���G���X �R���g���[�� ���C�u����
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6f0d0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\wininet.dll
                      11.0.22621.2506 - Win32 �p�C���^�[�l�b�g�g��
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6f9f0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL
                      10.0.22621.1 - Network Store Information RPC interface
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6fa00000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll
                      10.0.22621.3733 - DNS �N���C�A���g API DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6fae0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINHTTP.dll
                      10.0.22621.3880 - Windows HTTP �T�[�r�X
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6fbf0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 �T�[�r�X �v���o�C�_�[
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6fc50000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\WINSTA.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Winstation Library
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6fcb0000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Remote Access AutoDial Helper
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -6fcc0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSASN1.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - ASN.1 Runtime APIs
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -71020000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MPR.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - �����v���o�C�_�[ ���[�^�[ DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -71060000 <RAW> : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\4.18.24060.7-0\X86\MpOav.dll
                      4.18.24060.7 - IOfficeAntiVirus Module
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -710e0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\amsi.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - Anti-Malware Scan Interface
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -71100000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - Userenv
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -71120000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\appresolver.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - �A�v�� ���]���o�[
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -713c0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Security Support Provider Interface
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -713f0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Windows NT MARTA �v���o�C�_�[
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -71420000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\Windows.StateRepositoryPS.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Windows StateRepository Proxy/Stub Server
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -71f20000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll
                      11.0.22621.3880 - Internet Explorer �p�����^�C�� ���[�e�B���e�B
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -72160000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\srvcli.dll
                      10.0.22621.3374 - Server Service Client DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -72180000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\netutils.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - Net Win32 API Helpers DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -72190000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\urlmon.dll
                      11.0.22621.3733 - Win32 �p OLE32 �g��
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -72340000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\edputil.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - EDP ���[�e�B���e�B
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -72360000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\NetworkExplorer.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - �l�b�g���[�N �G�N�X�v���[���[
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -72380000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - �A�v���P�[�V�����̌݊����N���C�A���g ���C�u����
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -72430000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Base cryptographic API DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -72440000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\profapi.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - User Profile Basic API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -72460000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -72490000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Cryptographic Service Provider API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -73900000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll
                      7.0.22621.3810 - Microsoft �v���p�e�B �V�X�e��
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -739d0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\dwmapi.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Microsoft �f�X�N�g�b�v �E�B���h�E �}�l�[�W���[ API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -73a00000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Microsoft UxTheme ���C�u����
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -73d00000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Windows �x�[�X �^�C�v DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -73dd0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - Device Information Set DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -73e00000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\system32\msimg32.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - GDIEXT Client DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -73e10000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\MMDevApi.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - MMDevice API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -74b40000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\
                      10.0.22621.3880 - Microsoft WinRT �X�g���[�W API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -75240000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Version Checking and File Installation Libraries
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -75300000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\iphlpapi.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - IP �w���p�[ API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -75390000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CFGMGR32.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - Configuration Manager DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -753d0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll
                      10.0.22621.2715 - AppModel API Host
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -753f0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\UMPDC.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - User Mode Power Dependency Coordinator
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -75430000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\powrprof.dll
                      10.0.22621.3374 - �d���v���t�@�C�� �w���p�[ DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -75520000 <RAW> : C:\Windows\System32\OLEACC.dll
                      7.2.22621.1 - Active Accessibility Core Component
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -75580000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - MCI API DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -756c0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\NSI.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - NSI User-mode interface DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -756d0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\gdi32full.dll
                      10.0.22621.3880 - GDI Client DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -759d0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHLWAPI.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - �V�F�� ���C�g�E�F�C�g ���[�e�B���e�B ���C�u����
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -75a20000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\OLEAUT32.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - OLEAUT32.DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -75ac0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHELL32.dll
                      10.0.22621.3880 - Windows �V�F������ DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76160000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll
                      7.0.22621.2506 - Windows NT CRT DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76230000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatq.dll
                      2001.12.10941.16384 - COM+ Configuration Catalog
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -762c0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\comdlg32.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Common Dialogs DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76380000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\CRYPT32.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Crypto API32
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76490000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\imagehlp.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Windows NT Image Helper
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -764b0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSCTF.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - MSCTF �T�[�o�[ DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -765b0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\WINTRUST.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Microsoft Trust Verification APIs
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76610000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll
                      10.0.22621.3593 - MicrosoftR C Runtime Library
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76730000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
                      10.0.22621.3880 - Windows NT �x�[�X API �N���C�A���g DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -769b0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\RPCRT4.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - �����[�g �v���V�[�W�� �R�[�� �����^�C��
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76a70000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcp_win.dll
                      10.0.22621.3374 - MicrosoftR C Runtime Library
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76b00000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\IMM32.DLL
                      10.0.22621.3374 - Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76b30000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\bcrypt.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - Windows �����v���~�e�B�u ���C�u����
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76b50000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\normaliz.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Unicode Normalization DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76bc0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76c30000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\ole32.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Windows �p Microsoft OLE
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76d90000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\sechost.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76e20000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\WS2_32.dll
                      10.0.22621.1 - Windows Socket 2.0 32 �r�b�g DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76e80000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Windows NT �x�[�X API �N���C�A���g DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -76fd0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\USER32.dll
                      10.0.22621.3880 - �}���`���[�U�[ Windows ���[�U�[ API �N���C�A���g DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -77180000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\SETUPAPI.dll
                      10.0.22621.2506 - Windows �Z�b�g�A�b�v API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -775c0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\combase.dll
                      10.0.22621.3880 - Windows �p Microsoft COM
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -77840000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\coml2.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - Microsoft COM for Windows
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -778b0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\shcore.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - SHCORE
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -77980000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\GDI32.dll
                      10.0.22621.3672 - GDI Client DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -779b0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\win32u.dll
                      10.0.22621.3527 - Win32u
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -779d0000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\System32\ADVAPI32.dll
                      10.0.22621.3810 - Advanced Windows 32 �x�[�X API
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    -77a60000 <RAW> : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
                      10.0.22621.3733 - NT ���C���[ DLL
                      c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.















































SYSTEMINFO.txt (92,239 bytes)   



2024-08-24 17:10

administrator   ~0001507

開発版で申し訳ないんですが、2.7.00 Pre3でも同様に発生しますか?


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-07-16 23:32 guest New Issue
2024-07-16 23:32 guest File Added: SYSTEMINFO.txt
2024-08-24 17:09 ponapalt Assigned To => ponapalt
2024-08-24 17:09 ponapalt Status new => assigned
2024-08-24 17:10 ponapalt Status assigned => feedback
2024-08-24 17:10 ponapalt Note Added: 0001507